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SLB ESP Member Information and Forms

The Harford County Education Association (HCEA) ESP Sick Leave Bank (SLB) is a benefit available to all Harford County ESP who choose to be members.  The SLB exists as a safety net for ESP who may encounter catastrophic and incapacitating illnesses and who have exhausted all of their allotted sick and personal business days. The Bank is administered by HCEA and HCPS and is contained in the negotiated agreement. Applications for use of days from the SLB are reviewed by the SLB Committee.  This committee consists of HCEA members and HCPS employees.

For information on enrollment into the SLB visit our SLB Q&A’s page.

Please click here for instructions on submitting the SLB application.

SLB applications received by HCEA staff will be processed and given to the SLB committee for review. Incomplete or improperly completed applications will not be reviewed by the committee. Applicants will be notified if the application is incomplete. Thus, it is advisable that the applicant keep a photo copy on hand, in order to attempt to have corrections made as soon as possible. Once the SLB committee has reviewed and made a decision on the request the applicant will be notified.

If you are in need of days from the SLB print and carefully review this 1. ESP Sick Leave Bank Application 2. ESP-SLB Physician’s Statement  3. ESP SLB Application Checklist.

The rules and regulations governing the SLB are reviewed periodically. Changes may be made as deemed necessary to maintain both the benefit to members and the integrity of the SLB. HCEA and HCPS are committed to implementing and administering the SLB with great care. We will work to ensure that only those who truly fit the requirements are granted days and that the integrity of the Bank is maintained.

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